... Product Photography for eshop from 2 euros

Studio Photography

fashion / editorial / still life / portrait / ecommerce / product / social / advertising

umbrella stand logo

Product Photography for EShop

Nitereso offers professional photography services: fashion, advertising photography, product photography for eshops or creation of prospectus, food photography, websites as it has one of the biggest, special fully-formed and fully equipped studios in Crete for photography and video production.

Our studio offers cyclorama wall that gives the ability to photograph big objects up to 6 metres. Meanwhile it offers a modern spacious fully equipped kitchen where you can prepare your dishes for photography or videos. Moreover the studio is available for rent for your photographic projects, product photography for creation of catalogues, food photography prospectus, websites, e-shop and entry in advertising booklets.

Moreover, in our studio 360 photography is obtainable for your e-shop, website, social media , as well as model photography for building of photo portfolio. At Nitereso with our professional photographer we plan the concept with which your photos will stand out.


Studio Photography

  • Διαθέτουμε το μεγαλύτερο φωτογραφικό στούντιο στo Ηράκλειο Κρήτης με Cyclorama Wall 6x6 μέτρα

    Cyclorama Wall

    Biggest Photography Studio in Crete, with cyclorama white wall 6x6 metres, available for rent.

  • Περιλαμβάνει την φωτογράφιση για εμπορικούς σκοπούς όπως οι διαφημίσεις, το packaging, προώθηση προϊόντων και τοποθέτηση προϊόντων

    Commercial photography

    It includes taking photos for commercial use such as adverts, packaging, merchandising and product placement, promoting the experience the clients will get if they make this purchase by stimulating them to buy a certain product or service.

  • Στο Studio μας παρέχεται επαγγελματικός εξοπλισμός για να δημιουργήσετε ποιοτικές φωτογραφίες προϊόντων

    Product Photography

    In our studio we have the potential to shoot quality product photos that are essential to draw the attention of your customers.

  • Το studio μας διαθέτει μια ευρύχωρη πλήρως εξοπλισμένη επαγγελματική κουζίνα όπου μπορείτε να ετοιμάσετε τα πιάτα σας και να τα φωτογραφίσετε με τον τελευταίας τεχνολογίας φωτογραφικό εξοπλισμό μας.

    Food Photography

    Our studio offers a fully equipped, spacious kitchen where you can prepare your dishes and take photos with our state of the art photography equipment.

  • Στο Studio της Nitereso οι πελάτες εχούν την δυνατότητα για παραγωγή VideoClip ανάλογα τις ανάγκες τους.

    Video Production

    Our studio enables our clients to produce VideoClip based on their needs.

  • 360 μοίρες φωτογράφιση προϊόντων για το e-shop σας

    360 Degrees Products

    We offer 360 product photography for your eshop with usage of turntables, lighting and software in-house. Presenting products from all sides with one integrated image you can save screen space and differentiate your website.